User : Sphynxx

About Sphynxx

Hey! Thought I’d check this app out. Open to some cyber friends :) I’m into film, art, writing, outdoors, spirituality, comedy, everything really. Nurturer/Dom energy. The unknown intrigues me, conspiracy theories etc. I’ve had a life filled with ups/ downs and in betweens which I think has led me to be open, accepting and a helpful aide to most people I meet.

If you need someone to talk to, need to vent, need to share an idea with someone you can trust. Need advice/ opinions, or are just bored message me! Lets set up a virtual friend date

Sphynxx's Listings

Sphynxx Added By Sphynxx
$ 15.00
Hey! Thought I’d check this app out. Open to some cyber friends 🙂 I’m into film, art, writing, outdoors, spirituality, comedy, everything really. ...

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