$ 35.00
- $ 20.00
As a season 1 player, I can play all roles! We can play Norms, Ranked (but tbh, I’m not the best during ranked games), TFT, ARAMs, and the ...
Hello! I'm Vee :)
I play League of Legends and have been doing so since mid-season 1! I have played quite a few champs over the years, but I know them all to a certain degree. I used to be a support main but that got boring real quick xD - Then I played ADC, then Top then Jg. I know I need to improve my jungle game, but I get by OK :)
Mains - Janna <3, Orianna, Ashe, Vayne, Heimer, Noc, (too many to list, but those are a few)
So if you just wanna play norms or chill and talk League, I'm here for ya.