User : xmoonbabyx

About xmoonbabyx

Hi ☺️ My name is Moon and I’m more than excited to meet you. I am a loving, caring, intuitive person. I have a passion for listening, understanding and just showing up for others. I naturally work with energy healing and emotional guidance, meaning that it is less a service I provide and more of who I am as a person. I’m very easy going and open to all walks of life, with no judgement. Everyone is always welcome. I’m here to be your friend, companion, safe space or just someone to talk to. Now that you know a little bit about me, it would be such an honor to get to know you! 💕

*I am an indigenous BPOC who is also a part of the lgbtq+. I do not accept hate in any form.*

xmoonbabyx's Listings

xmoonbabyx Added By xmoonbabyx
$ 10.00
Hi ☺️My name is Moon and I’m more than excited to meet you. I am a loving, caring, intuitive person. I have a passion for listening, ...

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  • Address : Missouri

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