Ideas for creating a FriendPC Event

Ideas for creating a FriendPC Event

Ideas for creating a FriendPC Event

Thinking about starting a FriendPC Event? Here are 3 tips to help you get you started.

Starting a FriendPC Event is a great way to meet new people, teach a skill, grow a business, or build the community you’re hoping to find. Here are a few tips to help you start thinking about what your group could be.

Do some research

Have a fuzzy idea for what your Event will be about? Start by determining what the focus of your Event will be for. Is it for pleasure? Do you want to start a club? Do you want to get people together to build a learning community? Think of events that people will be interested in.

Try something out of the ordinary

A lot of Events on FriendPC combine two interests or have a unique twist that defines their Event. If you’re trying to create a Event that will stand out, try combining two things you love: Wine and Woodworking, Pints & Purls, Meditate with Your Dog, and IPAs and APIs are just a few examples of groups that stand out from the pack.

Keep it simple

Starting a FriendPC Event doesn’t need to be complicated and doesn’t need to be a full-time commitment. If you’re just hoping to connect with new people, try something simple like:

  • A neighborhood walk every Thursday night
  • Meeting over a drink or a coffee to talk or practice a hobby together
  • Seeing a new movie together once a month

Some Crucial key points to keep in mind

Create an inviting name

Your FriendPC Event’s name is an invitation to your future community. Make sure your future members feel welcome and know what you’re all about.

  • Be specificMake it easy for everyone to know they’ve found their home here.
  • Use accurate adjectives, locations, and action-oriented verbs. Ex: Bearded Hikers of NYC or Seattle Boat Lovers
  • Use words that reflect who you are or who you want to be. e.g. Girls Who Code
  • Keep it short — what if your new community wants team shirts someday?
  • Avoid using your own name — your group is for your community, not just you.
  • Spelling counts — check for typos. Unsure? Download Grammarly.

Craft a captivating description

Be clear and authentic — this builds trust with your future members.

  • Why are you starting this FriendPC Event?
  • How does it create community?
  • What do you want people to take away from your events?

Let them know what this group is going to do for them, and what they need to do for it.

Choose the right topics

The topics you choose when you’re making your Event are what we use to locate your future members. Choose the topics that best relate to your Event. Having too few or too many unrelated topics will make it hard for the right members to find it.

Express yourself

Be real and welcoming by giving your members a clear picture of what they’re signing up for.

  • Upload a cover photo — if you have a logo ready to go, use it. If not, choose something else that represents your group’s identity (and you!). Try a free stock photography site like Unsplash or Pexels until you have some event photos of your own.
  • Schedule your first event right away — that way, when members join, they’ll be able to attend and get involved from the beginning.

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  • January 4, 2020
  • 2612
  • Tips & Advice
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