1 Virtual Friend Added By Demi_k If you want to talk with somebody or you want to make a new friend let’s talk you can join me $ 15.00 if you need a friend to talk to or share something that concerns you or if you just need company let’s talk you can enjoy my company
0 Virtual Friend Added By Nabil sanhaji أنا مستمع رائع سأكون هناك من أجلك بغض النظر عن أي شيء عندما يكون لديك يوم صعب يمكنك الاعتماد علي لرفع معنوياتك $ 5.00 أنا مستمع رائع سأكون هناك من أجلك بغض النظر عن أي شيء عندما يكون لديك يوم صعب يمكنك الاعتماد علي لرفع معنوياتك
0 Virtual Friend Added By Jessie Bouton Let's be friends, I've been through a lot and I don't judge. I'm open minded and here to help you out $ 20.00 Hi I’m a piscis. We can be friends but I’m open to more I don’t judge and since I’ve been through he’ll and back ...
0 Virtual Friend Added By Stimalio Stimalio $ 5.00 #friend#best Friend #online friend #voice call # video call